Starting in the 2023-24 school year, Jeffco families will be able to take advantage of up to 15 hours per week of free preschool provided by the CDEC.
NEW: Preschool Enrollment Process for 2023-24 School Year
4 Year Olds (Students that turn 4 on or before October 1, 2023)
- Families will create an account to apply for preschool through the Universal Preschool Program (UPK) family portal beginning January 17.
- Complete application as needed
- Select and rank their choice of providers
- Families must provide proof of income if you wish to apply for funding beyond the 15 hours/week under the UPK program
- Review and submit the application
- Families will then need to go to EnrollJeffco to complete the enrollment process to be matched to their choice Jeffco preschool
- Families should submit an application in EnrollJeffco to the program titled, Colorado Universal Preschool
- Families will also be asked to upload documents to help expedite the match process and the registration process once matched with a school
- Lottery results for applications submitted through Universal Preschool Colorado will be sent through their system in late April. Families will need to accept or decline those offers through Universal Preschool Colorado.
3 Year Olds (Students that turn 3 on or before October 1, 2023)
- Families will apply for preschool through EnrollJeffco for all preschool programs at Jeffco neighborhood schools, charter schools and option schools beginning January 17.
- Qualifying 3-year-olds are able to apply for funding through the Universal Preschool Program (UPK) for the 2023-24 school year.
- Lottery results for 3-year-olds will be available in EnrollJeffco after 10 a.m., on February 28. Families can log in to EnrollJeffco to view results and respond to any offers received. All offers will expire after three days.
Preschool Enrollment Offers
Preschool enrollment through UPK and EnrollJeffco is now underway. The Round 1 application window closes on February 14.
- Lottery results for applications submitted through Universal Preschool Colorado will be sent through their system in mid-March. Families will need to accept or decline those offers through Universal Preschool Colorado.
- Lottery results for 3-year-olds will be available in EnrollJeffco after 10 a.m., on February 28. Families can log in to EnrollJeffco to view results and respond to any offers received. All offers will expire after three days.
Waitlists and How They Work
Families can view this slide deck to gain a better understanding of what it means to be on a waitlist, why your student’s position on the waitlist may change, and more.