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The Jeffco Student Theatre Advisory Team (JSTAT) is essential for providing the student population opportunities to share their opinions and ideas in shaping the future of the Jeffco Theatre community.   JSTAT is composed of student leaders from various schools throughout the district.  Together, they work to elevate the quality and recognition of all Jeffco Theatre programs.  

JSTAT members convene several times throughout the year to collaborate on a variety of projects (County festivals, school partnerships, advocacy, marketing, and program enhancement).  The district theatre coordinator communicates directly with JSTAT members and their teachers regarding meeting dates and projects as these opportunities develop.  These meetings may occasionally occur during the school day, in which case students will need to seek absence permission from parents and teachers.

 JSTAT Tenants

  1. Unify and empower the student Thespians of Jeffco through the creation of art and community.
  2. Expand JSTAT reach and influence throughout Jeffco.
  3. Aid those that seek support in their search for artistic enlightenment.
  4. Create art as a cohesive unit.
  5. Establish a standard practice emphasizing empathy and compassion

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