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The Facilities Department is responsible for maintaining, servicing and improving the Jeffco Public Schools’ 12 million square foot of schools and support buildings, valued at nearly $2.75 billion on 3,100 acres of land. The Facilities Department includes Building Maintenance and Site Maintenance, Construction Management, Custodial Services, Environmental Services, Facilities Service Desk, and Planning & Property. Departmental responsibilities include boundaries, long-range facility planning, enrollment projections, energy and utility management, capital and bond-funded improvements, custodial services, facilities assessments, facilities maintenance, hazardous material management, landscape and paving, property management, snow removal, water and wastewater management. 

Facilities Documents

2012 Bond

In November 2012, voters approved a $99 million bond package for facilities. A majority of the 2013-2016 Bond Program is scheduled to be completed at the end of 2015 with only 5 projects scheduled for completion in 2016. Almost $17 million worth of "quick start" projects will be completed in the summer of 2013. See the Scheduled Bond Scope document that identifies the respective phased completion date for each committed bond scope item. The bond scope of work is packaged to maximize design, bidding and construction efficiencies. To see the bid packaging select the Bid Packaging Schedule by Year (2013, 2014, 2015, or 2016) that correlates with the phase as identified in the Scheduled Bond Scope document. See the 2013 Phase Status of Projects to review the overall progress of the 2013 phase of the bond program. This document shows the number of projects and the dollar value by each design and construction phase for the 2013 scope of work.



Capital Asset Advisory Committee

In 2010, the Board of Education authorized the establishment of the Capital Asset Advisory Committee in accordance with Policies EL-8 and FB, both of which deal with facility condition and long-range facility planning. Learn more about the Capital Asset Advisory Committee.



If you see an issue with a Jeffco school building or facility, please let us know. Send an email to the Facilities Department, or call us at 303-982-2590.

To request a list of vacant and underutilized facilities, please contact Facilities Management at (303) 982-2590.

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